Sarah Palin For President 2012 2016

Two Bimbos for President

Donald Trump & Sarah Palin for President

Caribou Barbie for President in 2012 2016


Donald Trump would 'love' to have Sarah Palin on his team

David Jackson, USA TODAY 2:24 p.m. MST July 29, 2015

Donald Trump and Sarah Palin for President 2016 Donald Trump’s eccentric campaign for president continued apace on Wednesday, with news that he is considering reality television star and former politician Sarah Palin for a position in a Trump admin

Donald Trump went on Sarah Palin radio this week to praise Sarah Palin — and dangle the prospect of a job in a Trump administration.

“I’d love that,” the businessman-turned-presidential-candidate said Monday when asked if Palin might be considered for something in an official capacity. “Because she really is somebody that knows what’s happening, and she’s a special person. She’s really a special person, and I think people know that.”

Trump appeared on “The Palin Update,” a program that airs on Mama Grizzly Radio, a station devoted to news about the former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee.

“She’s got a following that’s unbelievable,” Trump said. “I still have people saying, oh, ‘get Sarah’s support! get Sarah’s support! No matter where I go. Everybody loves her.”


Sarah Palin President - 2012 2016